M. Emîn Zekî Beg
Biography of
M. Emîn Zekî Beg
1. Ḫulâṣeyekî Târîḫê Kürd u Kürdistanê (I-II, Baghdad 1350-1356/1931-1937; Mehabad 1979; Süleymaniye 2004; Dîroka Kurd u Kurdistanê, translated from Soranî dialect to Kurmançî by Ziya Avci, Istanbul 2002, 2012). As Mehmed Emin Zekî Bey stated in the introduction of his work, when the name Ottoman was replaced by Turk and Turan and the emergence of nationalist movements among other Ottoman elements, he turned to research on his own ethnic identity, history and origin, about which he had no knowledge before and did not feel the need to research. During his stay in Istanbul between 1910 and 1912, he tried to collect the material for the history he would write by reading hundreds of books in Istanbul libraries, as well as in libraries in France and Germany. He wrote about 200 pages of his work, which he could not write due to World War I, after the war, but in a fire in the neighborhood where he lived in 1919, his house and the documents he wrote and compiled were burned down. Then, he despaired and stopped working. After returning to Baghdad, he felt the desire to work again when he read the "Kurds" article in Vladimir Minorsky's Encyclopedia of Islam in 1929. In addition to the works he could access from the sources of the said article, he re-examined other related books and prepared his work. The work, which was compiled using approximately 250 sources in various languages, includes the geography of Kurdistan, the origin of the Kurds, Kurdish history from the beginning to its own time, the social life of the Kurds, their customs and traditions, religions and sects, the Kurdish language and dialects, Kurdish literature and well-known figures, Kurdish language. Information was given about the published magazines and newspapers, Kurdish associations, tribes, Kurdish emirates and prominent figures. As the author said, the work is the second source in this field after the Persian Şerefnâme of Şeref Han Bitlisî (d. 1012/1603-1604) and is also the first source written in Kurdish. However, despite the author's great effort, he also states that he does not claim that the work is complete and error-free, on the contrary, it has many deficiencies. Muhammed Ali Avnî, who was a translator at the Egyptian royal court, translated the first volume of the work into Arabic (Ḫulâṣatü târîḫi'l-Kürd ve Kürdistan min aḳdemi'l-ʿuṣûri't-târîḫiyye ḥatte'l-ân, Cairo 1358/1939), and II. . Since World War II broke out. He was able to complete the translation of the volume later (Târîḫu'd-düvel ve'l-imârâti'l-Kürdiyye fi'l-ʿahdi'l-İslâmî, Cairo 1367/1948), and later the two volumes were published together (I-II, Baghdad 1962, 2006; Cairo 1430/2009). Habîbullah Tâbânî (Taḥḳīḳī der Bâre-i Kurd u Kurdistan, Tabriz 1377 hş.) And Yedullah Rûşen Erdelân (Zübde-i Târîḫ-i Kurdistan, I-II, Tehran 1381 hş.) Translated the work into Persian. Following an incomplete translation from Arabic into Turkish (Kurdistan History, Istanbul 1977; Ankara 1992), a full translation was also made (Kurtler and Kurdistan History, trans. Vahdettin İnce – Mehmet Dağ – Reşat Adak – Şükrü Aslan, Istanbul 2010).Mehmed Emin Zeki Beg Soldier , Statesman , Politician , Politician Birth 1880 Sulaymaniyah, Iraq Death July 10, 1948 Sulaymaniyah, Iraq Education Istanbul Military Academy Other Names M. Emin Zeki, Muhammed Emin Zeki Beg, Mehmet Emin Zeki
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