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The founder, owner of Chobani, the #1-selling
strained yogurt brand in the USA. Ernst &
Young named Ulukaya as the Ernst & Young
World Entrepreneur of The Year in 2013, and
Inc. magazine named him one of the most
important entrepreneurs of the past decade in
2019. In July 2022, the UN Secretary General
António Guterres announced him as an
additional advocate for the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations

Tagline: Chobani Hamdi Ulukaya
  1. Kurdistan Save the Children (KSC) is a non-profit organization established in 1991, focusing on social and educational projects throughout Iraq, aiming to alleviate suffering and neglect. They work to support children in various aspects of their lives [1] [3].
  2. The organization operates in Iraq and Kurdistan, emphasizing non-political and non-sectarian principles. Key areas of focus include Protection, Health, and Education for every child without discrimination [4].
  3. Kurdistan Save the Children's projects and activities are shared on their official YouTube channel, providing information and updates on their initiatives [5].

For more detailed information, you can visit their official social media pages, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Tagline: Kurdistan Save the Children

The Kurdistan Botanic Foundation (KBF) is dedicated to safeguarding the natural habitats of Kurdistan through multidisciplinary studies and actions. Their primary goal is environmental preservation and education. KBF works towards protecting native plants and, notably, took steps to preserve the endangered oak tree species Quercus macranthera in the Kurdistan region[3][6]. For updates and insights into their work, you can visit their official website kurdistanbotanical.org or their Facebook page Kurdistan Botanical Foundation[1][5].

Tagline: Kurdistan Botanic Foundation

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is the official executive body of the autonomous Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq [3]. It operates within a democratic parliamentary republic framework with a presidential system. The President is elected by Parliament for a four-year term [5]. The KRG is headquartered in Erbil, and its Council of Ministers is a key governing body [4]. The government plays a crucial role in shaping the region's values, culture, and history, reflecting the Kurdish people's aspirations [6]. For more detailed information, you can visit the official website of the Kurdistan Regional Government at gov.krd/english [1].

Tagline: Kurdistan Regional Government Release: 2013

Barzani Chairty Foundation (2005),
Hevya Sor (1993), Mala Kurdan
(Swisre, 2022).

Tagline: Humanitarian Aid initiatives

FC Azadi, Amed Spor, Dalkurd,
Oxford’s Kurdish football team,
Kurdish Canadian Football Club…


Kurdish sports initiatives are evident through socio-sportive projects supported by foundations. One notable example is the initiative approved by a foundation, aiming at the development and equipping of teachers' clubs with spaces for sports and recreational activities[6]. The Kurdish Project, a cultural-education initiative, also explores expanding into a formal grant program for Kurdish cultural projects, emphasizing awareness and bridge-building between Kurds and the West[3]. Additionally, there are references to sportive activities among Kurdish students, showcasing personal initiatives taken by teachers to engage them in explaining and participating in such activities[1].

Tagline: Kurd's sportıve initiatives

Enstituya Kurdî ya Brukselê (1978), Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Parîsê (1983), Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Bonnê
(1984), Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê (1992), Înstîtûta Kurdî li Berlîn (1994), Înstîtuya Kurdî li
Stockholmê (1996), Washington Kurdish Institute (1996), Enstîtuya Çanda Kurdî ya Tehran (2001),
Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Amedê (2004), Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Zurîhê, Amed Kurdish Studies (2019), Enstîtuya
Kurdî ya Vîyanayê, New York Kurdish Cultural Center, the Kurdish Center for Studies (KCS), IBV,
Weqfa Mezopotamya, The Kurdish Peace Institute, Zahra Institute, The European Center for Kurdish
Studies (1999), The Washington Kurdish Institute (1996), The International Institute for the Study of
Kurdish Societies (IISKS), The Kurdish Institute of Copenhagen etc.


There are various Kurdish institutes and organizations that focus on promoting Kurdish culture, language, education, and advocacy for the Kurdish people. Some of these include:

  1. Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG): The KRG is the autonomous government in Iraqi Kurdistan, and it plays a significant role in the cultural and educational development of the region.
  2. Kurdistan Institute for Strategic Studies and Research (KISSR): KISSR is an independent research institute based in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan. It focuses on strategic studies and research related to the Kurdish region.
  3. Kurdistan Institute of Education (KIE): KIE is an educational institute in Iraqi Kurdistan that works to improve the quality of education and provide training for teachers.
  4. Institute for Kurdish Studies (IKS): IKS is based in the United Kingdom and is dedicated to the study of Kurdish culture, history, and society. It promotes academic research and organizes conferences and events.
  5. Kurdish Institute in Paris: This institute focuses on promoting Kurdish culture, language, and history in France and beyond. It often organizes cultural events, seminars, and exhibitions.
  6. Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP): While not an institute in the traditional sense, KHRP is an organization that works to promote and protect the human rights of Kurds worldwide. They engage in legal advocacy, research, and awareness campaigns.
  7. Kurdish Language Academy (KLA): This organization is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the Kurdish language. It provides resources for learning Kurdish and supports initiatives to strengthen the language.
  8. Kurdish Institute of Istanbul: This institute, based in Turkey, focuses on Kurdish studies, including language, history, and culture.
Tagline: Kurdish Institutes