Athlete Renc (Range) Omar

Renc Ömer, a Kurdish mountaineer, aspires to raise the Kurdistan flag at the summit of Mount Everest, aiming to elevate the visibility of the Kurdish cause. Hailing from Duhok, Renc Ömer is known for his determination to hoist the Kurdistan flag on Everest's China-Nepal border, marking the highest point above sea level [2]. This endeavor signifies a symbolic representation of Kurdish identity and aspirations.

Renc Ömer's mission aligns with the broader context of Kurdish activism and cultural representation. The Kurdish community, both in Kurdistan and the diaspora, often engages in symbolic actions to assert their identity and rights. Renc Ömer's climb exemplifies the fusion of personal goals with a broader cultural and political narrative for the Kurdish people.


  • Rudaw: "Kürdistan Bayrağı Everest Dağı'nda dalgalanacak" [2].
  • Muderrishane Facebook post: "Çiyagerê Kurd Renc Omer dibêje ew dê Alaya Kurdistanê li lûtkeya Çiyayê Everestê bilind bike" [1].

Athlete Renc (Range) Omar
Athlete Renc (Range) Omar


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Athlete Renc (Range) Omar