Blue in the Blue

  1. "Blue in the Blue" is a work by Fevzi Bilge, featuring a story with an ISBN of 978-9944-382-59-5, released in 2018 [1].
  2. There is no direct information in the search results about the phrase "blue in the blue." However, considering the context of the provided information, it could be related to the mentioned work by Fevzi Bilge [1].
  3. Fevzi Bilge is an author and writer associated with "Blue in the Blue" [1].
  4. Sezgi Bilge, possibly a relative of Fevzi Bilge, has an Instagram account with the handle @sezgibilgee [2].
  5. There is no apparent connection between the phrase and Marin Base or Mine Bilge mentioned in the search results [3, 4].

In summary, "Blue in the Blue" is a work by Fevzi Bilge, but the specific context of the phrase in the question is not clear from the provided information.

Fevzi Bilge
Blue in the Blue
Release Date:
Blue in the Blue
Reviews for

Blue in the Blue