Peşiyan 101 çirok, Çiroken Efsaneyen Kurdî, 101 BiwêjÇîrok

"Peşiyan 101 çirok, Çiroken Efsaneyen Kurdî, 101 Biwêj Çîrok Mehmet Öncü"

  1. Peşiyan 101 çirok is a Kurdish book written by Mehmet Öncü. It contains 101 stories, reflecting the richness of Kurdish language and culture .
  2. Çiroken Efsaneyen Kurdî is another work by Mehmet Öncü, showcasing Kurdish legends and myths .
  3. 101 Biwêj Çîrok is a separate publication, offering a diverse collection of stories, including border tales and narratives from Kurdish literature .

These works contribute significantly to the preservation and promotion of Kurdish language and storytelling traditions. Mehmet Öncü's writings provide readers with insights into the cultural tapestry and linguistic nuances of the Kurdish people.

Mehmet Öncü
Peşiyan 101 çirok, Çiroken Efsaneyen Kurdî, 101 Biwêj Çîrok
Peşiyan 101 çirok,Çiroken EfsaneyenKurdî, 101 BiwêjÇîrok
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Peşiyan 101 çirok, Çiroken Efsaneyen Kurdî, 101 BiwêjÇîrok