folklora kurdî

Celîlê Celîl: A Kurdish historian and Kurdologist, born in Yerevan to a Yazidi Kurdish family in 1936.
Contributions: Celîlê Celîl has dedicated decades to studying and writing about Kurdish folklore. His work includes numerous books on Kurdish folklore, making significant contributions to the understanding of Kurdish cultural heritage. "Dîdarok û Qewlikên Zarokan" and "Zêmar" are among his notable works on Kurdish folklore. Celîlê Celîl has left a lasting impact on the understanding and preservation of Kurdish cultural heritage through his extensive work in folklore. His contributions continue to be recognized, and his books remain valuable resources for those interested in Kurdish folklore and cultural history. Celîlê Celîl's dedication has significantly enriched the appreciation of Kurdish heritage.

celîlê celîl
folklora kurdî
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folklora kurdî
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