Dayîka Nîştiman

"Dayîka Nîştiman" is a Kurdish theatrical play titled "Şanoya Dayîka Nîştiman û Koşka Miradan" written by Muhsîn Özdemîr. The play, considered one of the early works in Kurdish theater, revolves around the story of a mother, Dayîka Nîştiman, and the struggles of her three children in the town of Mahabad during 1946. The play is significant for its portrayal of the challenges faced by the characters in the historical context of Mahabad.

  1. The play is available for purchase, and more details can be found here (Source: #1).
  2. Additional information about the play and its historical context can be explored on (Source: #2).
  3. The theatrical piece is acknowledged as part of the early Kurdish theater scene, with historical significance in Mahabad (Source: #3 and #8).

For a deeper understanding, one can explore the themes and historical context of the play through the available sources.


After the Reza Shah regime left power in Mehabad after September 1941, an intellectual movement developed in the Mukriyan region, especially in Mehabad.
- Establishment of "Komelley Jiyanawey Kurd" (Kurdish Awakening Association) 16.09.1942,
- Formation of the Kurdish Lawan organization,
-Existence of literary spaces and associations,
- The publication of "Niştiman" magazine in May 1943 are some of these developments.

Kamera Mahabadê
Dayîka Nîştiman
Release Date:
Dayîka Nîştiman
Related Berhem To

Dayîka Nîştiman

Reviews for

Dayîka Nîştiman